Acupuncture is an effective measure against juvenile myopia. In one investigation, eye chart testing confirms that a combination of acupuncture and Chinese herbal medicine produces a high success rate for eyesight improvement. Another investigation confirms the results with added measurements including reductions in photophobia, eye dryness, and visual fatigue.
In one study on juvenile myopia, researchers (Changchun, China) adopted an integrated method of applying Chinese herbal medicine, acupuncture, and massage therapy. The sample was comprised of 186 patients. The patients were classified into three age groups: 7-10 years (61 cases), 11-13 (59 cases), 4-17 (66 cases). The treatments lasted for a session period of 10 days. Patients’ eyesight significantly improved following treatment, with an effective rate of 95.5%. [1] Outcome measures relied on how many lines patients could read on standard eye charts. The following herbs were prescribed as part of the treatment?
- Yuan Zhi (??), 10g
- Chang Pu (??), 10g
- Dang Shen (??), 9g
- Fu Ling (??), 9g
- Shi Hu (??), 9g
Fifteen-minute acupuncture treatments were applied on the following points:
- ST1 (Chengqi)
- Yiming (extra point, ??)
- ST2 (Sibai)
- LI15 (Jianzhongyu)
- ST8 (Touwei)
- MHN8 (Qiuhou)
- BL1 (Jingming)
- GB37 (Guangming)
The authors of the research note that, according to traditional Chinese medicine (TCM) principles, juvenile myopia is primarily caused by asthenia. Specifically, congenital and spleen qi deficiency, yin deficiency due to overuse of the eyes, or an imbalanced diet. Prolonged working hours is an aggravating factor contributing to short-sightedness. From a TCM perspective, myopia is associated with qi stagnation and blood stasis; therefore, exerting certain stimulation on the specific acupoints can soothe the meridians and collaterals, activate qi and blood, regulate zang-fu organ functions, and thus improve one’s well-being. Many meridian routes converge around the eyes through the neck channels. Accordingly, treatment applied to acupoints in this area can significantly treat the qi and blood.
A similar type of research was conducted on 88 adolescents with moderate myopia in two hospitals in Jiangsu from April 2015 to January 2018. Patients were randomly divided into a control group and an observation group. Exclusion parameters for patients admitted to the study included organic lesions of the heart, liver, or kidneys, acute cardiovascular and cerebrovascular diseases, cataracts, glaucoma, macular diseases, xerophthalmia, hereditary myopia, or a history of eye injuries or surgeries.
The control group was given 0.25% tropicamide eye drops at bedtime while the observation group received 30-minute acupuncture treatments for 6 consecutive days in a week, and the entire course lasted for 4 weeks. Clinical parameters, including visual acuity, diopter, axial length, intraocular pressure, and TCM syndrome scores were recorded. The researchers documented significant improvements across far vision, length of eye axis, intraocular pressures, blurriness, photophobia, eye dryness, and visual fatigue parameters. As a result, the researchers note, “The short-term effect of acupuncture on moderate adolescent myopia is remarkable. It is worth popularizing to reduce diopter needs, improve naked eye vision, and improve TCM [traditional Chinese medicine] syndromes.” [2] Needles were inserted to acupoints around the eyes to obtain a deqi sensation:
- MHN6 (Yuyao)
- BL1 (Jingming)
- BL2 (Cuanzhu)
- ST2 (Sibai)
- MHN9 (Taiyang)
Additional points used were the following:
- GV20 (baihui)
- TB17 (Yifeng)
- LI4 (hegu)
- ST36 (zusanli)
- GB37 (Guangming)
- SP6 (Sanyinjiao)
The above research indicates that acupuncture or a combined treatment protocol with Chinese herbal medicine is an appropriate treatment modality for juvenile myopia.
[1] Gai Yonghong, Sun Yan, Clinical observation of treating 186 adolescent myopia cases with Chinese herbal medicine, acupuncture and massage therapy, China Practical Medicine, May 2008, Vol.3, No.14.
[2] Zhou Qianqian, Wang Jihong, Wang Rongrong, Pan Xubin, Chu Ting 2, Shen Haicui,
Study on the Short-term Effect of Acupuncture in the treatment of Moderate Adolescent Myopia,Chinese Archives of Traditional Chinese Medicine, 20200817.